Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Tom Mboya, and Philip Ochieng, all share common physical features of the Kenyan Luo tribe: Modest stature under six feet, round faces, small chins, wide set eyes, slanted back foreheads, and retracted hairlines. none of these features are shared by Malcolm X and Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
Malcolm X or Malcolm Little
Between 1953 and 1965, while most black leaders worked in the civil rights movement to integrate black people into mainstream American life, Malcolm X preached independence. He maintained that Western culture, and the Judeo-Christian religious traditions on which it is based, was inherently racist. Constantly ridiculing mainstream civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X declared that nonviolence was the "philosophy of the fool". In response to Reverend King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech, Malcolm X quipped, "While King was having a dream, the rest of us Negroes are having a nightmare."
Malcolm X believed that black people must develop their own society and ethical values, including the self-help, community-based enterprises that the black Muslims supported. He also thought that African Americans should reject integration or cooperation with European Americans. Malcolm was increasingly moving towards a political response to racism, he called for a "black revolution," which he declared would be "bloody" and would renounce any sort of "compromise" with whites. After taking part in a Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), he recanted such extremist opinions in favor of mainstream Islam and socialism, and was soon after assassinated during a speech held at The Audubon Ballroom, NYC.
Upon his return from Mecca, Malcolm X abandoned his commitment to racial separatism; however, he was still in favour of black nationalism and advocated that black people in the U.S. be self-reliant. The beliefs of post-Mecca Malcolm X are articulated in the charter of his Organization of Afro-American Unity (a black nationalist group patterned after the Organization of African Unity).
Post-Mecca Malcolm X advocated that black people in the U.S. be self-reliant. He also advocated mainstream Islam and socialism
Is Obama the secret son of malcolm X? Possibly, he has the X features.
Israel Insider has a mind blowing article which presents an alternate reality obtained from a particular source. Here’s a taste,
“There is no evidence Ann Dunham had even met Obama Senior in or around November 1960, the alleged time of conception, indeed it is not even clear Obama was in Honolulu at that time, although he may have been. Ann Dunham was only 17 and although she might have been in Honolulu the timing is tight.” “More to the point, she was in neither of the medical centers put forward by the Obama campaign (question: why do they not know in which hospital he was born?) on August 4th, nor are there medical records to back up the claimed birth, nor has an attending physician been named. I’ve heard of births with the father absent, births with the mother absent a bit trickier.”
“There are said to be photos of Ann Dunham on Waikiki Beach taken in or about July 1961, when she is supposed to have been in her third trimester, in a bikini, taken by a fellow female student. AD is clearly not pregnant. Media have not yet talked to fellow students, but it can’t be long. There are bound to be other photos of AD in existence taken during the alleged 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Obama campaign are terrified some one will press for her medical records, which have been accessed by CIA.”.
Barack Hussein Obama and Malcolm X 2 Peas In A Pod? The X's and O's
It all adds up
Take the time to read the information in the above links and look at the pictures of "obama"" and Malcolm X (Malcolm Little)
Barack Hussein Obama could be Malcolm Little Jr or Malcolm X Jr or Little X ?!!?
MALCOLM X: Chickens Coming Home To Roost and The Big Chicken could be Obama!
If Malcolm X secretly sired Barack Obama, then the title Dreams from My Father would indeed take on a whole new meaning, with Obama Sr. revealed as a kind of paternal proxy, a stand-in for a revolutionary of a higher spiritual and political order whose identity the self-creating son could never reveal if his own ambitions, and his real father's ambitions for him, were to be realized.
In 1964, the year before his death, Malcolm gave an address, "Ballots or Bullets" (audio available here) in which he urged African Americans to turn away from violence and create revolutionary change through the US electoral system.
If the O is in fact an X, and wins the red, white and blue tic-tac-toe on Tuesday to become the President and Command in Chief of the United States then, truly, America's chickens will have come home to roost.
Red States may soon take on a whole new meaning.
If Malcolm X secretly sired Barack Obama, then the title Dreams from My Father would indeed take on a whole new meaning, with Obama Sr. revealed as a kind of paternal proxy, a stand-in for a revolutionary of a higher spiritual and political order whose identity the self-creating son could never reveal if his own ambitions, and his real father's ambitions for him, were to be realized.
In 1964, the year before his death, Malcolm gave an address, "Ballots or Bullets" (audio below on youtube) in which he urged African Americans to turn away from violence and create revolutionary change through the US electoral system.
If the O is in fact an X, and wins the red, white and blue tic-tac-toe on Tuesday to become the President and Command in Chief of the United States then, truly, America's chickens will have come home to roost.
The Ballot or the Bullet..A speech by Malcolm X in 1964 the year before his death.
Barack Hussein Obama IS Possibly Malcolm Little Jr or Malcolm X Jr
The original birth certificate could indicate anything but it is very obvious from observing the pictures and video who the sire of BO was. It all makes sense and the X's and O's all add up to Malcolm Little Jr in the white house. The BIG chicken has come home to roost. The question is will the America come to know the truth about Obama. I think so. I predict they will find out Malcolm X is Obama's sire and therefore will be able to connect the X's and O's and see how Malcolm Jr won the election. He did what his daddy told him to do. Listen to the ballot and the Bullet speech by Malcolm X
America should be aware of "Black nationalism" and exactly what it means and who has just won the election.
What is black nationalism Obama "X"
1 comment:
Looks more like a "wigger" to me.
You ask what is a wigger?
A black man explained it to me.
It is a white man that acts like a black man.
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